Web Design Skills

  • Responsive Web Design

    A structural approach to web design that allows web pages to reflow, and render well across a variety of devices and screen sizes. Content, design, layout and performance are all considered to ensure usability and satisfaction for everyone.

  • Typography

    Type is the face of your content... it’s how your words look to the viewer, and expresses a hierarchy to your message. Comprehension, scanning, readability, and even brand awareness can all be increased through the use of good typography.

  • Creative Page Layout

    Using the grid layout sections built into Squarespace, content blocks can be arranged into many different combinations. When done properly, the layout will break into a perfectly ordered stack on a mobile device.

  • Custom CSS Styling

    When you make changes using Site Styles, you’re actually making changes to your site’s CSS in the background – it’s what makes the content look a certain kind of way. Custom CSS allows a pro to extend, override, or otherwise change the look of page elements.

  • Custom HTML Content

    The content you see on a website is HTML. When you add a content block to a page layout, you're really inserting HTML code with a certain format to your site without writing the code yourself. Adding custom HTML elements can impart a bespoke look and feel to your website when used properly.

  • Search Engine Optimization

    SEO is the process of improving your site’s ranking in search results. To make sure Google can “see” page content as easily as humans. SEO best practices are built into every site, but using proper page titles, descriptions, and URLs are paramount.

  • Information Architecture

    The structural design of shared information environments; the art and science of organizing and labelling websites to support usability and find-ability; combining organization, labeling, search, and navigation systems within a website.

  • Photo Editing

    Many projects require basic photo editing to prepare images for the web. Actions like: crop, sharpen, applying filters, or even removing objects from the frame are consistently needed in website production.

  • Image Optimization

    A very important step to making sure your website loads quickly for everyone, regardless of their Internet connection. Image optimization is the act of using proper file types, sizes, and compression methods for all of the images used in your website.

  • Graphic Design

    Graphic designers create and combine symbols, images and text to form visual representations of ideas and messages. They use typography, visual arts, and page layout to create pleasing compositions with website assets.

  • Scalable Vector Graphics

    SVG is an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics that automatically scale to any screen resolution so they are never blurry and always sharp.

  • Copy Editing

    Attention span is very short on the Internet. Editing your website copy to fit the medium is incredibly important. Something that works in a PDF or slide deck will need updating for the web.

  • Email Marketing

    Squarespace Email Campaigns offer a unique way for you to grow and communicate with your audience using emails and newsletters that stay true to your brand.

  • Online Store Setup

    Setting up shop online from catalog structure, product categorization planning, adding and customizing product details, setting up shipping zones and tax rates. Ecommerce is a whole new level of commitment to your online business.

  • Self Service Booking

    Using Acuity Scheduling can provide a self-service style booking feature for your clients to view your availability, pay for and schedule their time with you.

  • Member Area Setup

    Turn your content and expertise into income. Sell membership access to online courses and classes, videos, paid newsletters, communities and more.